The times are changing
Our lives are changing
Our usual day-to-day is not
What is has been anymore.
The thoughts about what can go wrong,
When life is so good, they are now in the past.
Have changed to thoughts like
How will we survive? How we can make sure
Do we have enough of everything to carry on?
The virus is spreading like the early Spring’s warm breeze
And it is blooming at the same time
The first flowers on the trees are blooming
In the Spring. Death is blooming too.
The virus is beautiful just like the blossom
It has these little crowns,
It is hard to resist, it is everywhere,
It takes your breath away,
It is impossible to stop.
Simple things like enjoying the warm sunny days,
Like enjoying the blossom blooming,
Like breathing the air become deadly things,
Dangerous, contagious.
We are covering our mouths with masks
We are covering our hands with gloves,
We are covering our souls with greed
We are covering our minds in darkness.
The strong will survive,
The smart will survive,
The careful will survive,
An idiot will spread it all over
And give the virus a life, a chance.
We all need a chance, we all need to live
We only have one life, and there are no returns,
No second chances.
With are fridges filled-up, with our pantries filled-up,
We sit in our homes, isolated,
Away from each other,
Hoping for the best future,
Hoping it will go away soon.
Will go to work, those who still have one,
Will resume our vacation plans,
Will re-invest our portfolios,
Will see another day,
But we all will be different people then.
Maybe we’ll learn to appreciate the little things
In life,
Perhaps we’ll learn to share
With one another,
Perhaps we’ll learn to survive
And to help,
Perhaps we’ll learn to be mindful,
And to be human again?