Welcome to my blog, whoever you are, and wherever you came from. So, what is this all about?
I’ve been trying to get published for a long time with almost no success. Money spent, hopes killed, a shit ton of rejections, and false encouragement to submit more in the future. Fuck that, I thought one sunny day and created this website/blog. Everything from old stuff to the most recent writing will be posted here: rants, reflections, new and old never published poems and short stories, and anything else I feel like writing and posting.
Let me make one thing clear. I am not trying to get the top-notch literature posted here. This blog is a place for me to practice and share my writing, go crazy, pour out my inspirations into something, and primarily post shit that would never be published anywhere else by anybody. You might find typos, grammar mistakes, incoherent sentences, random thoughts jumping from one topic to another, and that’s alright. Nobody’s perfect, neither am I. The point is to share my personal experiences, struggles, hardships, thoughts, ideas, and whatever else comes to mind.
A blog is a relatively new thing to me, and as I am trying to figure this shit out, more new content will be posted as time goes by. I do hope, whoever you are, that you will enjoy this madness and the original voice of an inspired and unknown writer trying to create and find a place for his writing. Who knows, maybe you are somebody just like me, and you will find the inspiration here? Maybe not. Perhaps you’ll think that this is just a lot of horseshit. Regardless, I hope you will find my blog a great place to read some nontraditional writing, and maybe one day, you will start writing your own blog.
Let me know what you think. Feel free to post your comments here or email, Twitter, Instagram me if you want. Subscribe for updates, invite your friends, share it with your circles – we’ll have a party. I would recommend reading these posts in chronological order and start with my mini-series “My shit’s out of luck or the stories of my life. Part I”, “Part II”, and “Part III”. These two short stories pretty much set the tone and the mood for the blog. They are the main inspiration behind me creating this blog and seriously thinking about becoming a writer. These stories define the central turning point in my life, my major disappointments, frustrations in life while dropping to the lowest of the low and getting back up again.
Enjoy! Thanks.
Truly yours,
John Loraine