Poem: From dusk till dawn

The early morning hours
Usually, go by slowly.
They are taking their time as
They know that there is no rush.
The streets, the trees, the cars are
Motionless through the night.
They know that
There is nothing to do
And there is nowhere to go
Until the sun wakes up
And the new day begins.
Everything begins with dusk
And it seems like I am the new person
During those early morning hours.

Things happen and things change,
And by dawn, it is already another day,
It is another me,
It is another life.
We all live from dusk till dawn,
Hoping, thinking, struggling.
We all know that nothing’s last forever,
We all know that neither dusk nor dawn
Will help us stay alive for a while,
And neither will make us better people.
Surely, they will be here.
Long after we’re all gone,
Before we turn to dust,
There always will be
The same old dawn,
The same old dusk,
And the same dull life
For somebody else,
But not for us.

Poem: Virus

It’s in the air
It’s in the sky
It flies
Like the time flies.
It is here
And there
And it is every fucking where.

It’s on the surfaces of life
It’s on people’s breath
It’s in on the people’s mind
It’s fucking everywhere.

You cannot see it,
It has no smell
Or color,
There is no trace or
Texture or the end of it.
It comes and goes
And comes back again
Stronger than before.

It grows
It spreads
It is in our bodies
And our antibodies
Saying “Fuck it!”
It is part of our lives now,
It is behind our masks,
And it is up in the air,
It is just every fucking where
And we have to live with it.

Poem: Leaves are falling

It is fall
And the leaves are falling.
The leaves are falling down from the sky
And on the ground,
Like everything else is falling down
And brakes to fucking pieces.
Little fucking pieces of everything,
They are scattered all around everywhere.
All broken, and rotten, and dry.
It is hard to find comfort in the struggle.
It is hard to love the madness of life.
I knew that life wouldn’t be easy.
I knew that once you fall
There is a chance to get up.
I knew when you stand tall,
There is a chance to fall down.
The leaves don’t mind to be on the ground,
They are getting older and yellow and brown.
The leaves don’t mind to be stepped on them,
They know that this is the end.
The fall is rich and complete with
All those colors and leaves and the fresh sky.
I watch them all around just laying
On the ground
As I walk minding my business
Into the madness of life.

Poem: Staring at the sky

Inhaling the smoke deep down
As the remedy for life,
Looking up at the night sky
Staring at the night.
Drinking the whiskey of piece
With ice cubes and freedom
Life wasn’t great lately but
There are things I can
Still enjoy.
Another sip, another drag,
Another star up in the sky,
The life goes by, yours and mine,
As the clock is ticking,
As the cigarette is burning,
As the ice is melting in the whiskey glass.
I know that things will be better one day.
I know that for sure, but not just now.
I hope I can make it through.

Poem: There goes another poem

There goes another poem
Just to show you that there is still
Something more to say.
There goes another line,
Just to show you that
We are moving on.
We all know that there is the way out,
But we don’t know where exactly that is.
We don’t know how to get there
And we all try very hard to find it.
To find that way out.

The morning sun will never lie to you
But your mind will,
You will lie to yourself
Looking for the truth,
Looking for comfort.
There is more comfort in the lie
Then in truth,
There is more comfort in rain
Then in the blue sky,
There are better days somewhere
Out there
Waiting for us
With all the rain and blue skies, and
All the poems in the world.

Poem: Ghost Town

Ghost town,
Lost town,
It was once beautiful and strong,
Now it just exists, so
Empty, dark and grey, and
All the shades in between,
With all the ruins in between,
With all of us amongst the ruins.
We were once strong,
We made the history of now,
Then history repaid itself,
We’ve become the slaves of our time,
Living in the long-forgotten,
Ghost town.
I knew you in your early days,
I knew you in your prime,
I wanted to be here forever,
But it is time to say goodbye.
Until the next babe, I am gone.
I’m filled with sadness and relief,
I’ve turned the page,
I’ve changed my books,
I hope you will recover soon,
Until then, you’ll be in my dreams.
As a once the legendary town,
Of our youth, and the good times
Of our prime,
And the home for oh so many.

Poem: Everything will pass

Everything will pass,
Everything will go away,
Nothing will be the same,
Nobody’s still the same.
These long and useless days,
These short and pointless nights
This everything will pass.
Everything will become the past, at last.
This line above is now the past.
This poem also is the past.
The dark and the light will pass,
The birds, the trees, the grass,
The sea, the trees, the smile and tears
Will pass.
The youth, the health, the passion,
The shame, and sorrow, the hangover
Will also pass, at last.
The future, the present, even the past
Will pass.
Time will tell, time will heal, time will pass.
The struggle, the passion, the good and the bad,
It all will pass someday.
Nothing is here to stay,
Nothing is the same.
I am never the same
As my life is never the same,
As my troubles are never the same.
Who gets to leave? Who gets to stay?
These questions will remain.
Just wait, just wait, my friend, awhile.
Look at the sky and smile.
I hope the sky will stay.
I hope the sky will never go away.

Poem: Into the nowhere

We are marching into the nowhere,
Everything is black and white and anything in between.
The masks on our faces cover our souls.
They cover our minds and intentions.

We all pretend that we care but we don’t.
We support the system that failed us.
We represent somebody we don’t know.
We say things we don’t really mean.

We make heroes out of thieves.
We turn thieves into our heroes.
The law is something that doesn’t work,
Something was written and forgotten
A long time ago.

We barricade our future and our minds,
We are strong or at least we feel like we are,
We demand and we want and we will die for a change,
We need to have things differently
But we never change ourselves.

The truth does hurt and it hurts a lot, just like love hurts.
Our fragile minds are so occupied and so worried
That we don’t even think about it.
We move forward, we try to persevere,
But fail, as the system fails, as the blue sky fails.

With faces angry, moving against the establishments
With our fists to the sky and the voices screaming 
For a change, for freedom, for something.
We hope that the change will come 
And we hope that this march is the last one.

Poem: Pandemic

The times are changing  
Our lives are changing  
Our usual day-to-day is not  
What is has been anymore.   
The thoughts about what can go wrong,  
When life is so good, they are now in the past.  
Have changed to thoughts like  
How will we survive? How we can make sure  
Do we have enough of everything to carry on?  
The virus is spreading like the early Spring’s warm breeze  
And it is blooming at the same time  
The first flowers on the trees are blooming  
In the Spring. Death is blooming too.   
The virus is beautiful just like the blossom  
It has these little crowns,  
It is hard to resist, it is everywhere,  
It takes your breath away,  
It is impossible to stop.  
Simple things like enjoying the warm sunny days,  
Like enjoying the blossom blooming,  
Like breathing the air become deadly things,  
Dangerous, contagious. 

We are covering our mouths with masks  
We are covering our hands with gloves,  
We are covering our souls with greed  
We are covering our minds in darkness.  
The strong will survive,  
The smart will survive,  
The careful will survive,  
An idiot will spread it all over  
And give the virus a life, a chance.  
We all need a chance, we all need to live  
We only have one life, and there are no returns,  
No second chances.  
With are fridges filled-up, with our pantries filled-up,  
We sit in our homes, isolated,  
Away from each other,  
Hoping for the best future,  
Hoping it will go away soon.  
Will go to work, those who still have one,  
Will resume our vacation plans,   
Will re-invest our portfolios,  
Will see another day,  
But we all will be different people then.  

Maybe we’ll learn to appreciate the little things  
In life,  
Perhaps we’ll learn to share  
With one another,  
Perhaps we’ll learn to survive  
And to help,  
Perhaps we’ll learn to be mindful,  
And to be human again?

Poem: High Hopes

Feeling bad,  
Feeling blue,  
Feeling sad,  
Feeling hopeless.  
When death comes around  
Takes someone you know,  
You are reminded one more time  
That nobody will be here forever.  
We are only visiting  
This world of life, irony,  
Politics, anger, and frustration  
Look the truth in the eyes,  
Look your life in the eyes,  
Look inside of you,  
Who are you?  
What you are here for?  
Asking these questions again and again,  
Hoping there will be  
Another day tomorrow,   
For me  
And for you.  
I hope… 

Poem: The matter of life and death

The feelings of sadness and emptiness 
Are filling myself up as if  
Running water fills up the cup 
And runs over the top splashing all over. 
I was left alone and hopeless with an emptiness in my heart 
And some random thoughts about nothing. 
Everything becomes nothing 
When you become less than zero, 
When your soul is just another cloud in the sky 
Blown away and torn apart by the wind, 
Burned by the sun and shit over by the birds. 
Everyone has its own destiny 
And the destiny sure has everyone alright. 
These games with life are tough,  
One will never get out of here alive. 
You can smile death right in the face saying ‘Fuck you’ 
But guess who will be laughing in the end? 
This is the fight for life and death as we are all getting closer 
Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute… 
Everybody has their own clock to punch out
When their time comes.

Poem: Bored at work

Bored out of my fucking mind
I sit here and wait 
For the clock  
To strike the
5 o’clock. 
I watch the time closely
As I breathe meditating.

The clock is the meditation at work 
That helps me to get through yet another useless day. 
The time seems not to care  
To move 
I guess I should be happy to have a job. 
5 days a week, 8 hours a day 
From 9 to 5 o’clock… 

I’ve sold my soul to the devil, 
I’ve sold myself to the corporation. 
I’ve become who I was always afraid of becoming.
I am one of them, I am part of the system. 
I am yet another brick in the wall. 
Working towards my career, steady paycheck, 
401K, health insurance, job security, PTO’s, sick days, 
Corporate holidays, office parties, office meetings 
While wasting the best years of my life… 

Sitting here at work, bored the fuck out of my mind. 

Poem: Living the dream

At 30 not working full-time anymore, 
No more jobs, morning commutes, cubicles, 
Useless conversations in the kitchen during lunch breaks, 
No more annoying coworkers, no more boss, no more job security. 

Lost the passion for life and
My path to a professional career. 
Lost the passion for success in life. 
Everything is dark and strange everywhere. 

Drinking my wine, listening to some old records, 
The music by the dead people brings back  
The memories of the life I have never been around for. 
Trying to write my first novel, composing a book of poetry, 
Short stories collection, trying to write something,

I’ve been fired twice this year from my career jobs, 
My shit’s out of luck, my luck is out of shit. 
I don’t know if there is any more sense 
To play the game and feed the system.
Fuck the system I say, fuck the office, the job, 
Security, 401K, the boss, the manager and the rest of it. 

I am tired of trying to become somebody I’d hate. 
I am tired of wasting the best years of my life, my prime time, 
My prime health for a fucking paycheck and recognition. 
I am tired to do things that bore me, do dull things that kill me, 
Things that slowly kill a living soul inside me. 

Bukowski wrote “go all the way” and he did, and he made it. 
I will go all the way and I will try to make it on my own,  
I’ll live for my dream, living the dream. 
Living the life of an artist while others enslave themselves 
Working and slowly dying at these soul-crushing jobs, 
Trying to build a career, save for the retirement,  
Put the kids through college, live by a budget,  
Feed their families, pay off their cars and mortgages. 

When will we have the time to live our lives in peace and harmony? 

I am sitting here in my room, listening to some old jazz music, 
Pouring the wine into my glass until full and  
Waiting for my muse to come…

Poem: Corporate motherfuckers

they know how to deal with you 

they know how to use you, 

they know how to eat your soul 

and fuck your brains out, they 

are always looking for something new 

and there is always something else and something’s more, 

and nobody is fucking happy with anything. 

the stock price is your god 

and you are the dog, the slave, the fucked up one 

who thinks to please them will mean 

to be one of them and be better than everybody else. 

they have their own club and the members are just 

like them, you will never be part of them. 

and even in the rare cases, you might have a chance 

they will break your soul and your mind 

just so you can be more like a slave for them. 

you sacrifice the best days of your life 

you run down the precious health you’ve been lucky to have, 

you’ve forgotten what it means to sleep well at night, 

and the fucking coffee means more to you than your blood. 

you sit at your desk numb and cold, 

the air conditioner is freezing you to death. 

you miss all these nice beautiful sunny days, 

the walks in the park, the time with your wife and children. 

you barely have time to spend on the fun stuff,  

all the things you love you will sacrifice for the  

bigger price, for the higher stock price, fuck you and fuck your life. 

the career is what you live for and they know it well and they make you  

feel like there is nothing else so important. 

and what do you get for that instead?  

401K up to 6% matching, 18 PTO days which you are always afraid to take, 

a few general main holidays, and fucking expensive health insurance, 

3% of annual salary increases and if you are lucky enough  

you might get a little promotion.  

corporate motherfuckers are there to kill you and 

destroy you 

and suck all the life out of you. 

be careful what you wish for and what you are sacrificing 

the best moments of your life to, 

i’m sure these fuckers are not worth it. 

Poem: My poems – my soul

my poems just keep coming 

back to me 

back at me 

like the rain 

like the hurricane 

like the thunder. 

they come in my sleep, 

they come in my car, 

at work, at lunch 

or dinner time 

or anytime I come. 

they boil inside me, 

getting ready for me to  

get them out there 

on the piece of paper. 

give them some life, 

make them real, 

make them alive, 

bring back to life 

just like my thoughts: 






as long as they keep coming 

i feel good, 

i feel great, 

i feel alive. 

even when I don’t feel 

like writing 

i always have my poems. 

they will never leave me alone, 

even tonight, 

the deep and dark and drunken night, 

rain or snow or cigarette smoke all over. 

my poems are my soul, they keep me going 

even after rough days like this 

when I am so fucking tired, 

i need some wine and poetry 

to save me.