The early morning hours
Usually, go by slowly.
They are taking their time as
They know that there is no rush.
The streets, the trees, the cars are
Motionless through the night.
They know that
There is nothing to do
And there is nowhere to go
Until the sun wakes up
And the new day begins.
Everything begins with dusk
And it seems like I am the new person
During those early morning hours.
Things happen and things change,
And by dawn, it is already another day,
It is another me,
It is another life.
We all live from dusk till dawn,
Hoping, thinking, struggling.
We all know that nothing’s last forever,
We all know that neither dusk nor dawn
Will help us stay alive for a while,
And neither will make us better people.
Surely, they will be here.
Long after we’re all gone,
Before we turn to dust,
There always will be
The same old dawn,
The same old dusk,
And the same dull life
For somebody else,
But not for us.
soothing relaxation