Unwanted, unneeded, unfit, rejected.
Society is still out there, doing its thing
But you are not part of it anymore, any longer.
You used to be there, and you had that spark in your eyes
But the tides have shifted, and now
You’re drowning in the darkness of the muddy waters,
Eating shit with shellfish, and seaweed, and sadness.
Sitting all alone in the darkness, chainsmoking
And pouring more wine in your glass bought on credit,
You’ve seen the better days, some days before.
Now, all you can see is the misery and despair.
There is a cold spring wind blowing in the night
The cigarette is feeling cold, too.
There is no job tomorrow and nowhere to go,
There is just more of this emptiness and cigarette smoke.
You’ve had your success, and you’ve been down before,
But each time, it feels like it’s the worst one yet.
This fucking life always goes up and down
And you have to learn to play this game sometime.
People meant to live, and people meant to die,
People meant to suffer, and people meant to survive.
I am fighting hard, but my fighting with myself,
Killing my shadow in the uneven match.
The moon is up high, and there are planes in the sky
Going somewhere.
The stars are all there and have no other business but shine.
You were the star once, and you’ve shone bright and high,
But even the stars do go down once in a while.
And you went down to the lowest of the low,
The lowest you’ve ever been, with all that success in the past.
There will be tomorrow and some more days in your life
You’ll figure out living as you’re learning to die.
bossa nova jazz
cafe jazz
relaxing jazz music