Cold morning air feels refreshing
Feels like morning, feels like a new day.
It feels like freedom.
You inhale the smoke of a cigarette
And you sip on that morning brew
Like it’s your energy,
It’s your fuel
That will drive you through this day.
The trees stay cold and motionless
And the sun is waking up
Yet again,
Yet again, bringing you another day
To live, to fight, to struggle, to prove
That you can make it.
You are making it alright,
Good things are fucking coming
As they should
After such a prolonged suffering
And chaos and misery.
You’ve got another chance to make things better
You’ll get more of these chances
As you go through this day and another day,
And another cigarette and coffee
In the morning.
Thoughts come and go, and some stay,
Problems come and go, and some stay.
This is how it is, and it always has been this way.
This is your life and your choice, and your battle.
As the world wakes up to face another life
You wake up to meet your demons,
You trick them sometimes,
Sometimes you struggle, sometimes
They are just another you.
Another side of you.
You know it, and you know it well.
And the cold morning air knows it
As its getting warmer
As the new day unwinds
And brings you this life to
Live again.
Yet one more time.