We are marching into the nowhere,
Everything is black and white and anything in between.
The masks on our faces cover our souls.
They cover our minds and intentions.
We all pretend that we care but we don’t.
We support the system that failed us.
We represent somebody we don’t know.
We say things we don’t really mean.
We make heroes out of thieves.
We turn thieves into our heroes.
The law is something that doesn’t work,
Something was written and forgotten
A long time ago.
We barricade our future and our minds,
We are strong or at least we feel like we are,
We demand and we want and we will die for a change,
We need to have things differently
But we never change ourselves.
The truth does hurt and it hurts a lot, just like love hurts.
Our fragile minds are so occupied and so worried
That we don’t even think about it.
We move forward, we try to persevere,
But fail, as the system fails, as the blue sky fails.
With faces angry, moving against the establishments
With our fists to the sky and the voices screaming
For a change, for freedom, for something.
We hope that the change will come
And we hope that this march is the last one.