It snows today.
It snows today again.
It seems that there is no end
To this white matter, which
Just keeps falling from the sky,
Like nobody’s business.
But it is everyone’s business.
Everyone’s trapped now
In their houses with all their problems and no escape,
Nothing to do and nowhere to go.
We sit at home all depressed and angry,
And thanks to God for the booze and movies.
When it snows, it’s nice and beautiful,
It looks so pure and clean and white,
So picturesque, so fresh and new.
But later, this white pureness will
Melt, and will show its darkness
It’ll turn into a black and nasty,
Fucking mushy icy matter
Which will make your car dirty,
Your shoes wet and your soul cold.
The third time it snows this week
And I am already sick of it.
Fuck it, go away, you fucking snow,
Let me be free, let me enjoy the nice,
Warm and humid, sunny summer days.
They are so missed.