The watch is ticking on my wrist
I can see the handles move in circles
And I can hear the tiny gears
And springs in motion.
They move the time,
They change my life,
The watch remains the same.
The watch is ticking on my wrist
But when it stops, I feel relieved.
It feels like I’ve captured the moment
I own it. It is all mine.
The watch might stop as
Life might stop
But time never stops
And the watch is always the same,
The same twenty-four hours,
The same markers for twelve, three, six, and nine.
The watch is ticking on my wrist
I can hear it in the quiet room.
It will stop when my heart stops
Beating, living, exhausted from pumping
The blood.
One day it will be the end for me
The end to all of us,
But there will be somebody
To wind that watch of life
To make it tick again,
To make the movement go,
As time goes on,
As life goes on.
Time never stops
It always moves.
coffee shop ambience